Lack of interest Allow sending Conversation to yourself

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Active member
Do you ever send an email to yourself, as a reminder or to save a note? I do.

My users want to save notes. I believe XF should allow them to start a Conversation with themselves. I see no harm in it.

Upvote 1
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That was a very strange reply. The add-on that you linked to has nothing to do with what I suggested.

Besides, I am recommending something for XF, not for add-ons. I can edit the code myself if I really need to.
Do you ever send an email to yourself, as a reminder or to save a note? I do.

I can partly see the point of this, but wouldn't it need to be a timed conversation for it to be of much value as a reminder for something.

If you send a conversation to yourself, you will get a notification immediately. But if you have the option in the conversation to deliver at a specific time, it would serve your purposes much better.
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