All Profile Comment Delete

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find "Selected posts"
Click it and mark the 'select all' checkbox then press the 'delete' action, (y)

Edited: Make sure to set permissions.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find "Selected posts"
Click it and mark the 'select all' checkbox then press the 'delete' action, (y)

Edited: Make sure to set permissions.

thank you, but I am one of the members, not all of the members profile messages at the same time to delete, I would like to reset. You say that 1 member of all the messages to delete.
Assuming you want to remove all profile posts from all member profiles, you could just truncate the xf_profile_post_comment and xf_profile_post tables.

I haven't tested that though, so take a backup beforehand if you do.
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