XF 2.0 Alert links do not "jump" to that message in thread


I had a user make a comment and then noticed it for myself. When clicking a link in the Alerts, say for a reply to a thread you started, the link takes you to the beginning of the thread and not to the response in particular. I noticed on this forum when I click a replied to thread link it "jumps" to that reply. Is there a setting I'm missing or does something sound broke?

There’s definitely no setting but it certainly should work.

Each post should have an element with a u-anchorTarget class and this should contain an ID which matches the hash/anchor portion of the link after clicking on a link to a specific post.
Is this behaviour being reported by multiple users? Are you using a particular browser, or is it any browser? Which browsers have you tried?
Was reported by one. Confirmed by a handful of others. I verified the behavior on chrome and firefox. I have the SEO option for full friendly-url enabled, not sure if that is part of the issue
I'd probably need some access to your site to try and reproduce the issue. Though generally I'd check to see if you've edited anything in the templates which may have removed the anchor target or check if any add-ons have caused the problem. Disabling all add-ons might be a good initial step.
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