Graphic AI Logo corrections


Well-known member
My current logo needs revamped. I created a swoosh off of a letter, but it doesn't look natural coming off the letter because it was the best I could do using a trackpad.

The swoosh needs to remain a separate shape from the letter and copied into a circle. The circle is red with a transparent background while the swoosh is white. The swoosh must cut off around the circle. As it is now, it does. However, at higher resolutions (500px x 500px and above), a slight red ring goes around the white. Not good for print.

To see the logos or throw a quote, please PM me.

Please keep in mind that they are practically done (one shape in one AI file, copied to another AI file, cutout), I just need a minor touch up. That said, I'll politely decline pretty much industry standard pricing for what I feel/know/have paid for custom logo development from scratch and won't bother to haggle to save both our times.
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