Advanced Search Plus

Advanced Search Plus 1.1

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AndyB submitted a new resource:

Advanced Search Plus - Allows searching deleted posts and threads.


Allows searching deleted posts and threads.

(Example of Input page)

View attachment 131445

(Example of Results page)

View attachment 131446

(Example of Options page)

View attachment 131447

(Example of Group Permissions)

View attachment 131448

  • Advanced Search Plus link is added to your Forums tab navigation bar.
  • Exact text searching.
  • Case insensitive.
  • Accent insensitive.
  • Search messages or...

Read more about this resource...
1. Initally, I installed just Adv Search Plus [ASP (v1.1)] not realizing that you have Adv Search [AS (v1.7)] as well. So, I installed both, and set permissions:

- for ASP: Admin User Group = Allow;
- for AS: Registered User Group = Allow.

So, my users now have access to AS, and I also have access to ASP, if needed.

2. When I initially installed these I couldn't figure out how to use them on the user side. I eventually found the links to each under the Forum tab.

In any event, to make it more visible to my users, I removed the default search box and added AS as a tab on the main nav bar using Nodes as Tabs add-in.

Thanks for great work. Our search is much improved, and our users are happy.
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