Implemented  Advanced search page - should Any Forum be changed to All Forums?

Paul B

XenForo moderator
Staff member
One for the English grammar experts.

On the advanced search page, should Any Forum be changed to All Forums?

If not, why not?

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One for the English grammar experts.

On the advanced search page, should Any Forum be changed to All Forums?

If not, why not?


I guess you are search for a post that appears in Any Forum... It is very unlikely that one post is going to be in All Forums... So in one way it is correct... Though you want to search in All forums not any forum... Hmmm...
Not to mention that some of them are categories and not forums ;)

I guess this is one of those times where either phrase works?
My guess would be 'any forum' might sound better than having 'all forums' when the other content types (blogs, pages, etc) arrive.

Is it really that much of an issue?

IMO, "any forum" sounds like it'll search any random forum. "All forums" clearly implies that all forums (not just any forum) will be searched.
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