Not a bug  Administrators don't be able to moderate?

Goal: Got a Super-Administrator with all permissions and got a Styleadmin with only permission to style
OK, to get a super admin in XF, you'd need to specify their user ID in config.php.

With permissions, you'd just give them all permissions for admins and mods. You do not need to have users in the admin/moderator usergroups to make them admins/moderators.

To make a style admin, all you need to do is give them the administrative permission to modify styles. Again, no usergroups are needed.
Use Administrator as Super-Administrator - The point has nothing to do with the config.php, only with the missing permissions for the administrativ group

With permissions, you'd just give them all permissions for admins and mods. You do not need to have users in the admin/moderator usergroups to make them admins/moderators.
Never tried that way but I do.
Sorry, Brogan, I needed some time to realy understand what this means ;)

At this time I'm "playing" with this feature. Please let me try :)
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