XF 1.2 Admin not able to sticky threads?


Well-known member
Very confused/frustrated by the user group settings in Xenforo. I have a user set up as Admininistrative (main user group), with secondary user group set to Moderating. The Administrative user group can sticky threads, but this person shows no such option. I verified the issue myself.

What could be the problem?
Administrators don't necessarily have moderator functions.

This resource explains how to set up user groups: http://xenforo.com/community/resources/implementing-permissions-across-multiple-user-groups.358/

Use the Permissions Analyzer to determine why a permission isn't available.

Thanks. I see a problem, then, right away with instruction #1:

"1. All members should be in the Registered group as their Primary - that includes moderators, administrators and super administrators."

If that's the case, then why is it possible to change the Primary user group? If this #1 is correct, then the option to change the primary user group simply doesn't make sense. Or is the sense of this option explained elsewhere?
Also, it would appear that if the Administrative user group can stick threads and the Moderating user group cannot, if a user has both Administrative and Moderating as secondary user groups, his "Administrative" privileges will drop to that of Moderating--so in the example I started with, he/she would no longer be able to stick threads.

This behavior seems illogical to me. That is, if someone is both Moderating and Administrative, then the privileges should extend to the highest level, not drop to the lowest level.
Also, it would appear that if the Administrative user group can stick threads and the Moderating user group cannot, if a user has both Administrative and Moderating as secondary user groups, his "Administrative" privileges will drop to that of Moderating--so in the example I started with, he/she would no longer be able to stick threads.
That is not correct.

Permissions are cumulative.
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