[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations [Deleted]

Is there a log or somewhere else where we can view gift upgrades and registration upgrades separate from upgrades from existing members?
@AddonFlare , may be you or someone around here can help me out with this:
The last months I was working with the paid 1.5.0 version in XF 2.1.3. All flawlessly. I´ve upgraded to XF 2.1.4 recently. I guess while creatig the site and customizing it, I must have changed a permission somewhere, cause now unregistered guests can´t purchase a subscription while the registration process. When entering their paypal adress and hitting the proceed-button they receive a "You must be logged-in to do that." It´s both, embarrasing and enervating, but I can´t remember nor figure out, which permission has to be changed to make that work again.

Anyone, who can give me a helping hand (or a functional brain) with this? 🤯
@AddonFlare , may be you or someone around here can help me out with this:
The last months I was working with the paid 1.5.0 version in XF 2.1.3. All flawlessly. I´ve upgraded to XF 2.1.4 recently. I guess while creatig the site and customizing it, I must have changed a permission somewhere, cause now unregistered guests can´t purchase a subscription while the registration process. When entering their paypal adress and hitting the proceed-button they receive a "You must be logged-in to do that." It´s both, embarrasing and enervating, but I can´t remember nor figure out, which permission has to be changed to make that work again.

Anyone, who can give me a helping hand (or a functional brain) with this? 🤯
I've been having a problem sometimes where I receive a PayPal payment when someone registers but the account doesn't show up on my site.

The email doesn't match a user.

This happened the other day but eventually the username and upgrade appeared on the site backend but the user never contacted me.

It's happening again today and the user contacted me and is saying that they're locked out of the site and they're saying their user can't be found.

Why would the PayPal payment work and not the registration part?

Running XF 2.1.4 and 1.6.3 of your add-on. Both users are from China. Could that be part of the issue?
Updated to 1.6.4 your latest version. They're going to try registering again they think. They think it never sent them back to my site to finish the registration.
Updated to 1.6.4 your latest version. They're going to try registering again they think. They think it never sent them back to my site to finish the registration.
They were able to register again and it worked in not sure what happened the first time.
Yes the error is definitely because the user hasn't confirmed their email address yet. It's because PayPal is trying to ping back the user but the user hasn't been created yet.

Went to the PayPal IPN log right after I received payment with registration and error was there. After the user was confirmed the error went away.
Is there a way to change the size of the Choose Account Overlay that is launched when a user presses Register? Tried findings the css class but was struggling. Currently users need to scroll down to see the "Join now" button. Would like it to all be in one view with some padding on the bottom since we have a footer ad.
I had many ideas here, but finally i understand that the main concept is to show

free/pay before registering

For my needs i see another sort of action, but this is not possible with that addon.

register => choose who you are => custom field => promotion to usergroup

then a big advertizing choose your plan free / paid depending on your usergroup (user, model, photographer, agency) with different prices and target groups to be set in.

The same to normal upgrades after regisering and chooseing the free plan.

every group has different plans to choose from.

But somehow the needed changes are not so big;
when a user has registered he is in one of four groups, so we have to show him the plans (by group) now,
he chooses and will be set in his free or paid target group.
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Is there an option so the paid users won't be shown ads? I will like to offer them something more than a beautiful display. Thanks.
Yes you can do this with user groups. Use conditionals in your ad placement code to hide the ads from the paying user group. Or if you are using the built in XF ad sysyem you can exclude user groups there.
Trying out the free version. Have one premium account type set up, when sending to PayPal I get an error at the following URL:


Payments form the default XF upgrade page are working fine.

EDIT The issue seems to have resolved itself without any changes, so maybe was a temporary issue on PayPal's side.
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I've purchased the full version this weekend. It's kinda worrying to see you having to bump your question twice. Is the developer still around?

To others: does this mod work flawlessly on the latest version of xenforo?
It's kinda worrying to see you having to bump your question twice. Is the developer still around?
A day after my post I´ve contacted AddonFlare over their website and indeed it was the fact, that 1.5.0 was incompatible with XF2.1.4. All I had to do, was upgrade to 1.6.4 . Problem solved.
Not sure if Paypal is playing up but I get a serious error when trying to register an paid account on our site. After filling out the details it directs me to paypal which returns this error code=LACK_OF_BASIC_PARAMS

The same happens on the demo page the mod author provided https://www.seadooforum.com/ (click register and choose a paid plan). Do you guys have the same error?
After filling out the details it directs me to paypal which returns this error code=LACK_OF_BASIC_PARAMS
I had the same error after installing this addon and setting up some price tiers, then it went away seemingly without changing anything after a few hours.

So far I haven't seen it pop back up, but if it's not an isolated incident this may need looking into.

At the time it was happening to me the same user upgrades still worked fine from the default XF user upgrade page, only the PayPal redirects form this addon were causing the error. That could potentially indicate it wasn't an issue on PayPal's side, but rather with the addon.
I had the same error after installing this addon and setting up some price tiers, then it went away seemingly without changing anything after a few hours.

So far I haven't seen it pop back up, but if it's not an isolated incident this may need looking into.

At the time it was happening to me the same user upgrades still worked fine from the default XF user upgrade page, only the PayPal redirects form this addon were causing the error. That could potentially indicate it wasn't an issue on PayPal's side, but rather with the addon.
Same error happens on other xf boards as well without the addonflare mod I found out.

Might be a PayPal or XF thing! @Mike @Chris D
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