[AddonFlare] Paid Registrations [Deleted]

Just wanted to stop by and say what I've already said before... This is one of the best XenForo add-ons hands down.

If you're not running this add-on, you're missing out!
Is there a way to disable the "Gift upgrade" button/badge that shows up on every user profile? Liked it better just in the popup but don't like it in every post under the username like a title. Would still like to keep the ability to gift though if possible.
Is there a way to disable the "Gift upgrade" button/badge that shows up on every user profile? Liked it better just in the popup but don't like it in every post under the username like a title. Would still like to keep the ability to gift though if possible.


AdminCP -> Appearance -> Style Properties -> [AddonFlare] Paid Registrations

Will allow you to show/hide Gift button.
I just noticed sales tax is being added for these purchases. Is that normal? That didn't happen before.
Is the functionality to link to a specific account upgrade implemented?
If not, then are you planning to implement this in the near future?
This was one of the most attractive features in pember.
Is the functionality to link to a specific account upgrade implemented?
If not, then are you planning to implement this in the near future?
This was one of the most attractive features in pember.

We plan on implementing this in the future, we're currently working on a major update for this add-on. I 'd say in the next 2-3 releases.
I'm encountering the following issues:
  1. I cannot see the bug tracker nor a suggestions forum.
  2. If the account upgrade is in euro and 3 digits, then the price goes out of the container or is hidden.
  3. The setting 'Enable SideNav For Registered Users (Full Version Only)' appears twice in /admin.php?options/groups/af_paidregistrations/
I'm encountering the following issues:
  1. I cannot see the bug tracker nor a suggestions forum.
  2. If the account upgrade is in euro and 3 digits, then the price goes out of the container or is hidden.
  3. The setting 'Enable SideNav For Registered Users (Full Version Only)' appears twice in /admin.php?options/groups/af_paidregistrations/

1. https://www.addonflare.com/forums/paid-registrations.13/ (you can only see your own threads/support tickets)
2. You could either change the "Price Font size" for all of them in the AdminCP settings or you could target specific account types in your extra.less file:
// change the font size for Paid Registrations accountype IDs: 5
div.accountType[data-id="5"] div.price
    font-size: .85em;
(that specific code should be correct, just tested it on your forum)
3. The first one is "Enable SideNav" and the second one is "Enable SideBar"
(you can only see your own threads/support tickets)
Thats not good. This means we cannot see if there are a lot of old bugs or if you swiftly fix bugs. Its useful to see if someone else has already posted a bug we experience. And if you fix a bug, its useful if multiple people can check the fix on their site. Please consider to make the bug report forum visible. Its possible to keep private reports.
Thats not good. This means we cannot see if there are a lot of old bugs or if you swiftly fix bugs. Its useful to see if someone else has already posted a bug we experience. And if you fix a bug, its useful if multiple people can check the fix on their site. Please consider to make the bug report forum visible. Its possible to keep private reports.

That’s a good point. We’ll consider adding a bug reports public forum for each add-on.
I'm running into an issue:
We have various account upgrades for account types. But we also have account upgrades for singular functionality. For example 'name change' or 'paid listing'. These account upgrades should not be available to guests. How can I display these account upgrades to members? Preferably with a different h1 header than 'choose your account type', because those upgrades are not account types.
Would it be possible to display a separate row of upgrades and have a second h1 title above it? 'Buy Site Functions'.

What happens when a registered member clicks the registration link, purchases an account upgrade this way and then tries to register? Is the account upgrade added to the existing account?
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How can I display these account upgrades to members?

Specifying member/guest permissions per account type is part of the next release.

For the time being, you can hide specific account types from guests using CSS, add the following to your extra.less:
(Replace X with the account type ID) Use data-logged-in="true" if you want to hide for logged-in users.
html[data-logged-in="false"] div.accountType[data-id="X"]
Preferably with a different h1 header than 'choose your account type', because those upgrades are not account types.

We'll look into adding this. For the time being, you can accomplish this with CSS, add the following to your extra.less:
(Modify the row number and styling as necessary)
// Paid Registrations: Add custom header to row #1
#accountTypes > .accountTypesRow:nth-child(1)
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        left: 1%;
        font-size: 1.2em;
        content: "My Custom Row #1 Header";   
        margin-top: 1.8em;

What happens when a registered member clicks the registration link, purchases an account upgrade this way and then tries to register? Is the account upgrade added to the existing account?

If they're logged in when purchasing the upgrade, it will be applied to their account as normal. If they're not logged in, they'll be asked to enter an email which will is used to email them their link to complete registration once the payment is received. They're also redirected to this page after payment, the email is sent as a backup if for whatever reason they're not redirected or if they prefer to complete registration later.
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