Fixed Addon.json missing 'options' default value


Well-known member
Affected version
2.0 Beta 6
Evidently the default value for options isn't being written to the addin,json file with a default value of "".

Attempting to validate addon.json file...
Missing keys were detected while validating your addon.json file. Would you like to set them to their default values? (y/n) y
The addon.json file was successfully written out to /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/src/addons/Snog/MyAddon/addon.json

Please review the following warning/s we found while validating your addon.json file. These are safe to ignore:
         * Key 'options' is missing from your JSON file.
An empty string would actually cause it to not display at all, regardless of there being options or not.

I've just updated the validation process in this case. Instead of it being required or optional, we've just marked it as ignored. So if it's there, it doesn't matter. If it's not there, it doesn't matter.
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