Adding some pure html to a template. Do I use Template modification or listener ?


Well-known member
If I would like to add some html to an existing template, what do you suggest me to do, a listener like the old way, or a template modification linked to my addon ?

What's the better choice for performance ? development time ?

Unless you are releasing it as an add-on, edit the template directly.

If you are releasing it as an add-on, you should use a template modification. Template Hooks (the listener) are deprecated in 1.2.
Unless you are releasing it as an add-on, edit the template directly.

If you are releasing it as an add-on, you should use a template modification. Template Hooks (the listener) are deprecated in 1.2.

So a template modification is now (1.2) the only way to do it ? And it's not as good as editing directly the template for perfomance, is it ?
The hook system still exists in 1.2, but is officially deprecated (should use TMs going forward).

If you aren't releasing it, you should edit the template directly.
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