XF 1.4 Adding publishDate rich snippet to reviews - how to get ISO 8601 format in templates?

{xen:date $content.publish_date, 'Y-m-d'}

There's a similar syntax - it's basically the same format as the XF date picker. Though the above I have used to demonstrate you can pretty much format a date in whatever format you like based on the standard PHP formatter options: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

Alternatively you can just use:
{xen:date $content.publish_date, 'picker'}
Thanks again, Chris :)
The date validates ok using 'Y-m-d', so that will do nicely.
Just out of interest, using 'c' as the date format (which is officially the ISO 8601 format) is not handled by Xenforo and returns 'c' as the actual date value. This is what confused me originally.
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