Adding "forum" to the end of each forum's title and h1


Active member
Hi I need some help with adding the word "forum" to the end of each forum node's title and h1 (SEO purposes). I have it working but I realized I have one forum named "Game Forums" and after adding this it becomes "Game Forums Forum" which is obviously not desirable so I'm trying to use an "if" to avoid it.

I'm trying to use the following code in "forum_view" template:

<xen:if "{$forum.title}"="Game Forums">
<xen:title>{$forum.title}{xen:helper pagenumber, $page}</xen:title>
<xen:else />
<xen:title>{$forum.title} Forum{xen:helper pagenumber, $page}</xen:title>
<xen:h1>{$forum.title} Forum</xen:h1>

But the if statement is causing an error when I try to save. I've also tried using the forum.node_id but it returns the same error. Can you someone tell me help me?
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