XF 1.4 Adding content to a newly created tab?


New member
I managed to create a new tab but how do I add content to it? I'm trying to make a FAQ tab but I can't figure out how to add the page content to the tab. Thx.
How did you create the tab?
What does it link to?

If you want to create a page with content you can create a Page node or a custom help page.
Brogan is there a manual for dummies? I've looked through the manual listed in your sig but I can't find reference to this or other very detailed questions I have. For example...I don't understand what xen:link means...
As per the example in that thread, you would use something like: <a href="{xen:link pages/page-name/}" class="navLink">{xen:phrase my_title}</a>

You can substitute the phrase for hard coded text.
OK I tried it. It didn't exactly work but it did give me the links to the help and contact me pages. So I made them into a category at the bottom and removed the tab at the top. That's a newbie work-around I guess. Thx for help.
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