XF 1.4 Adding a Browser Tooltip to the Registration Date


Well-known member
How could I accomplish this on all the pages it appears?

As trivial as I know this is, I'd like to add a browser tooltip to the registration date so when users hover over it, then can see both the user's registration date and their exact registration time, essentially the same way you can hover over time stamps and see the exact dates and times.

I'm wanting to add a browser tooltip, though, and I'm not finding anything references I can use for that.

XenForo Time Stamp.webp

@mike406 did this in a few areas, but I don't quite understand what he did.

For example, he added a tooltip to the expiration date of a warning (see this thread), but I'm not seeing a tooltip class anywhere in the code. Although perhaps browser tooltips don't have a tooltip class. However, I wouldn't know what to use.

It looks like, for the example above, he changed:

<dd><span class="muted">{xen:date $warning.expiry_date, 'absolute'}</span></dd>


<dd><span class="DateTime" title="{xen:datetime $warning.expiry_date, 'absolute'}">{xen:datetime $warning.expiry_date, 'absolute'}</span></dd>

Hm. Attempting to use the above as a reference, would this be correct for a registration date hover tooltip? However, what are all the templates I would need to apply it in?

<dd><span class="DateTime" title="{xen:datetime $user.register_date}">{xen:datetime $user.register_date}</span></dd>
This is what would be needed.

title="{xen:datetime $user.register_date}"

In member_view template:

<dl><dt>{xen:phrase joined}:</dt>
                    <dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd></dl>

Replace with
<dl><dt>{xen:phrase joined}:</dt>
                    <dd title="{xen:datetime $user.register_date}">{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd></dl>


Thanks, that worked, though mine seems to be missing the time:

KHF Registration.webp

Looking at my ACP profile, this is when I joined:

KHF ACP.webp

Also, what other templates would I edit? I know the member card would be one.
Nope, we only have the default English (US) language, if that's what you're referring to.

I wonder if it's to do with the fact that it's no longer relative time. If you look at a user who's been registered for more than a week on wherever you tested it, does it show both the date and time or just the date?
title="{xen:datetime $user.register_date, 'absolute'}"

Alternatively you could replace
<dd>{xen:date $user.register_date}</dd>

<dd><xen:datetime time="$user.register_date" /></dd>

However I'll note that <xen:datetime ...> will not always work the same in every location as sometimes it will spit out the date and time and in other cases just the date. An example of this being the Date and Expiry columns under the Warning tab in profiles. Both use <xen:datetime ...> but only the Expiry dates include the time. I'm not too sure why <xen:datetime ...> includes the time only sometimes, but in any case it works here so I figure I will include it.
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