Lack of interest Add-on notice is not dismissable

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Well-known member
When I view my add-ons:

Admin control panel -> Add-ons -> Add-ons

I see this notice.


I have not seen it before, so I assume it's a new feature in XF 2.2. Please either provide a dismiss option, or don't show it. Reason is I have no plans on installing Resource manager on this forum.

Thank you.
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This isn’t a bug as we aren’t intending to make the notice dismissible.

I’ve moved this to suggestions.
Is this something that shows because the RM is already on your server or is it just because you have that add-on associated with your license? I have a few licenses and I don't see that notice on either of my forums so I'm assuming one of the above is true.

If it's the latter, I'd be for removing the notice too, or at the very least adding an option to dismiss it. It'd be pretty annoying to see a notice for an add-on you have no intentions on installing.

However, if it's showing up because the add-on is already on the server, I can see why the notice should be there. You wouldn't want to accidentally install a lesser version of the add-on that's incompatible with your forum. Also, if this is the case, you could get rid of the notice by simply removing the add-on from your server if you don't plan to use it.
This is odd

I just upgraded a test forum while it had resource manager disabled. I got the notice that I could upgrade ES and XFMG but not XFRM

Later I re-enabled XFRM and then immediately got the notice to upgrade
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