XF 2.2 Add Filter bar & Forum Box


I have two questions, maybe you can help me :)

1. How do you get this cool bar like in this forum, see picture:

2. I saw that you can also create such stylish large boxes for the tabs in the forum.
Is there a setting from Xenforo? I got the theme from Themehouse (BLOK)

thank you in advance for your help :D
PS: I have the latest XenForo version
1. How do you get this cool bar like in this forum, see picture:
It's a Question type forum. It is a native function of XenForo.

2. I saw that you can also create such stylish large boxes for the tabs in the forum.
Some themes and addons allow it but it's not native to XenForo.
@Ragister this thread is more explicit :
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