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Add Account Wrapper to Conversations 1.0.1

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Chris D

XenForo developer
Staff member
Chris Deeming submitted a new resource:

Add Account Wrapper to Conversations (version 1.0.0) - Adds the My Account wrapper (sidebar) to Conversations pages

This add-on was originally requested here:

The code is inspired by Jake Bunce's directions here:

I have expanded Jake's code to add the Account sidebar to the conversation list, conversation view and conversation add screens:


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Wondering about compatibility with Syndol's Conversation essentials as his addon replaces several Conversation templates.
Thanks! I knew I was going to have problems though. My sidebar is on the left so it looks weird as hell.

So basically I just need to remove my Conversation sidebar? That sucks.

I'm going to try to put conversation sidebar info above the wrapper or something.

Screen Shot 2013-03-29 at 10.36.26 PM.webp
Looks great except in conversation_view with a fixed width style. Can you possibly add a option to remove it from that view, or I can use CSS but not my first choice.
.conversation_view .accountSideBar
    display: none !important;
This is nice but it sucks cause I still want the account wrapper. I should've said, how do I disable the sidebar in conversation_view

I'm guessing I go in conversation_view template and remove the sidebar there, but that's not a good idea. I'm gonna see if I can add it to the wrapper somehow.
Can't you just move the sidebar back to the right just in the conversation view? Be far easier/better if you could.
Wondering about compatibility with Syndol's Conversation essentials as his addon replaces several Conversation templates.
It adds a wrapper around the conversations so templates are unaffected. It will work fine.
Okay I got it working the way I want now, I just am not able to do it on my site because I don't have write permissions. Can you check my account please?

I copied the whole account_wrapper template and put it inside the conversation_view template.

Then in library/ConversationsWrapper/ControllerPublic/Conversation.php


    public function actionView()
        $parent = parent::actionView();
        return $this->_getWrapper(
            'conversations', 'view',
        return $parent;

Alright I got it looking the way I want after removing
    <div class="accountContent section sectionMain">
        <xen:hook name="account_wrapper_content">{xen:raw $_subView}</xen:hook>
from my account_wrapper edit inside conversation_view then removed the if can start convo permission from the account_wrapper edit as well.

Looks like this now:

improved convo.webp
This ended up breaking my conversations so I'm just gonna put manual template edits instead. Thanks anyway!

Server Error

Undefined index: conversations
  1. XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in ConvEss/ControllerPublic/Conversation.php at line 23
  2. ConvEss_ControllerPublic_Conversation->actionIndex() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 310
  3. XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 132
  4. XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/user/public_html/index.php at line 13
That error is thrown by Conversations Essentials.

My add-on doesn't even call the "conversations" index.

You should report this to Syndol, there's nothing there for me to fix.
this plugin seems to break the fluidness of the text area when enabled.. This puts the right sidebar over the content on smaller resolution screens. At least those are the reports im getting from members
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