Fixed ACP template editor clipping

Steve F

Well-known member
Affected version
Just noticed this happening although only thing left on that line is 'n>' no matter what I do I can't see the end of that line.

I've implemented a change which works, but it's a bit ugly as it's overriding a style rule that's directly applied by the CodeMirror JS.

If you'd like to test it for us, that'd be appreciated.

Edit template: code_editor.less


      // Bit hacky but solves issue with the simplescroll bars overlapping the content
      padding-right: 30px !important;
Strange thing is I am not able to reproduce it now. Win10 Chrome Version 64.0.3282.186 (Official Build)

Previous Chrome bug maybe?
I'm using latest Chrome on macOS and I was able to find a single line which was overlapped by the scrollbars in the PAGE_CONTAINER template. This line (78):
class="p-staffBar-link badgeContainer badgeContainer--visible {{ ($ && ($xf.session.reportCounts.lastBuilt > $xf.session.reportLastRead) OR $xf.session.reportCounts.assigned) ? ' badgeContainer--highlighted' : '' }}"
My fix earlier fixed it.

If you can't repro it, that's great, but the fix might still be necessary. With that in mind, if you're able to test it to ensure I haven't actually gone and broken anything else, that'd be great :)
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