Account menu row issue


Well-known member
It seems I can't ever stop asking questions even when I think I'm done... :/ bah

Since I updated some of my outdated templates, the dropdown menu with my username on the header is showing all of the links in one row instead of two. How can I fix that so it's in two rows again? I tried but failed to find it in the templates. :( Thanks in advance.

XF Dropdown.webp
Check the navigation_visitor_tab.

You should see 2 sections beginning <ul class="col1 blockLinksList"> and <ul class="col2 blockLinksList">.

The col1 and col2 relate to the 2 columns.

Make a note of any edits, revert the template and then re-apply your edits.
There are no edits to that template; I think navigation.css might be the issue since I reverted, reapplied changes, and it says it's outdated again. o_O

This is from the navigation_visitor_tab:
<div class="menuColumns secondaryContent">
				<ul class="col1 blockLinksList">
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/personal-details}">{xen:phrase personal_details}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/contact-details}">{xen:phrase contact_details}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/preferences}">{xen:phrase preferences}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/alert-preferences}">{xen:phrase alert_preferences}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/privacy}">{xen:phrase privacy}</a></li>
					<xen:if is="{$canEditSignature}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/signature}">{xen:phrase signature}</a></li></xen:if>
					<xen:if is="{$canUploadAvatar}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/avatar}" class="OverlayTrigger" data-cacheOverlay="true">{xen:phrase avatar}</a></li></xen:if>
				<ul class="col2 blockLinksList">
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/news-feed}">{xen:phrase your_news_feed}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/alerts}">{xen:phrase your_alerts}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link watched/threads}">{xen:phrase watched_threads}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/likes}">{xen:phrase likes_received}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link search/member, '', 'user_id={$visitor.user_id}'}">{xen:phrase your_content}</a></li>
					<li><a href="{xen:link account/following}">{xen:phrase people_you_follow}</a></li>
					<xen:if is="{$xenCache.userUpgradeCount}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/upgrades}">{xen:phrase account_upgrades}</a></li></xen:if>
					<xen:if is="{$xenOptions.facebookAppId}"><li><a href="{xen:link account/facebook}">{xen:phrase facebook_integration}</a></li></xen:if>
			<div class="menuColumns secondaryContent">
				<ul class="col1 blockLinksList">
						<form action="{xen:link account/toggle-visibility}" method="post" class="AutoValidator visibilityForm">
							<label><input type="checkbox" name="visible" value="1" class="SubmitOnChange" {xen:checked $visitor.visible} />
								{xen:phrase show_online_status}</label>
							<input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />
				<ul class="col2 blockLinksList">
					<li><a href="{xen:link logout, '', '_xfToken={$visitor.csrf_token_page}'}" class="LogOut">{xen:phrase log_out}</a></li>
Hmmm, the navigation template just includes the navigation_visitor_tab template.
It doesn't really have anything to do with the dropdown.

Even so, reverting should give you the latest templates which you can then re-apply your changes to.

If you have a test login I can take a look.
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