Implemented Accent insensitive search results


Well-known member
When using the XFES add-on lets say you have a post that contains "Míke" if you search for "Mike" you aren't going to get any results, you need to search for "Míke". The same will happen with stuff like "Brögan".

Please implement an option to make search results accent insensitive. I think it's a must considering that it's a standard MySQL feature and actually for those of us with non-english forums it's a headache not to have this feature.

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I don't use ES at the moment (small forum) but this would definitely a good feature for us too. In dutch we have a lot of country names that end on "ië"
And as a travel forum we have them everywhere.
What you're referring to with the tag search is unrelated the full text issue in this suggestion.
Hi Mike, I might be wrong but it looks like if I choose "Stemming analyzer with language Spanish" then search results become accent insensitive! However I'm scared to use the stemming analyzer with Spanish because afaik XenForo only supports the stemming analyzer in English, right?
It's Elasticsearch doing the stemming, so you should choose the language appropriate to your forum.
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