Not planned Ability to Delete Reports on the Front-End


Well-known member
I did some extensive searching, using the terms "report center" and "report," and could not find anything.

Currently, as @Jeremy mentioned in one of my threads where I asked about this, the only way to delete reports is via the database. However, some people, like me, aren't comfortable / confident in touching the database, so I think it would be nice if we could delete reports just as we are able to delete messages, discussions, etc.
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Why is it necessary to delete them?

If you used them, like me, to give yourself alerts so you could see what your changes to the alert balloon style properties looked like or to style the hover background when hovering over alerts.

In other words, test reports, which later become pointless bloat.
I agree with this suggestion. At the very least an admin should be able to delete reports if they want to. It's not some far off edge case to have a need to delete them.
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