A purge user posts button

The Cyst

New member
In reference to this post https://xenforo.com/community/threads/how-to-delete-messages-from-a-user-already-deleted.214466/

Problem: Admin has deleted the user, user posts are still showing (under Guest) which is causing admin a headache. An SQL query will remove all users posts with specific ID... Admin doesn't feel confident with SQL.

Solution: Button that purges users post on a defined ID (could add more customisation), removing the posts from the original thread and also removing all in-quote references to the original post.

Follow this thread @MediaFolSupport someone might make it for you :D
nope, read better what is the request. Your addon is unsuitable becouse delete ALL guestes contents.
It need a tool to delete a specific User's content (already deleted user = guest), and a solution to remove his quotes content too.
Maybe @XenForo can help in this becouse this is a tool for "user's rights".
I'm hoping for an unpaid solution, as we're already paying enough for licenses every year.
nope, read better what is the request. Your addon is unsuitable becouse delete ALL guestes contents.
It need a tool to delete a specific User's content (already deleted user = guest), and a solution to remove his quotes content too.
Maybe @XenForo can help in this becouse this is a tool for "user's rights".
I'm hoping for an unpaid solution, as we're already paying enough for licenses every year.
Thinking about it, if you have already deleted the user - wouldn't that mean their user id is already deleted? Meaning that defining what posts to delete is going to be a challenge... Just some thoughts.
Thinking about it, if you have already deleted the user - wouldn't that mean their user id is already deleted? Meaning that defining what posts to delete is going to be a challenge... Just some thoughts.
Yes. Also for GDPR, this is sufficiently enough. So I doubt an unpaid addon will follow. Especially from XenForo.
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