A few questions


1. This pertains to custom thread fields. So, say I have three custom thread fields for a particular forum: name, age, and gender. In this forum, can I modify the thread display and thread list to include these values? Can I move those values around and customize thread/post view to specific forums in an extensive fashion? What I'm looking here is comparable to MyBB's XThreads plugin.

2. Is anyone able to answer how skinning XenForo compares to Jcink/Invisionfree or MyBB? I am a graphic/web designer who has worked a lot with both those softwares and I intend to make very, very customized skins for my forums. The one thing that's concerned me so far when looking at the admin panel is the templates feature, which is really important to me personally, because I'll end up doing a lot of layout customization. I'm unfamiliar with the language used here, which seems specific to XenForo, so is it easy to understand if you already have HTML knowledge? How easy is it to totally customize a forum node or member profile layout to the point where it no longer resembles the default?

3. If I do not choose to buy a license option right now, such as Branding Removal, can I choose to buy it at any time moving forward?

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