[8WR] Twitch Integration

[8WR] Twitch Integration [Paid] 1.2.0

No permission to buy ($20.00)
XenForo_Exception: An error occurred while connecting with Twitch.<ul> <li>Unauthorized: Token invalid or missing required scope</li> </ul> If you believe this error to be a mistake, please contact an administrator. - library/EWRtwitch/Model/Twitch.php:218
I get this...
Your token is invalid... the error says it.

Twitch was hacked this week! Because of this, they have revoked ALL oauth keys provided from their API.

This means any forum which uses this mod MUST refresh their oauth keys, or they will receive errors when trying to fetch subscriber information. To get your new oauth key, just go to account/external-accounts, disassociate twitch, then relink your twitch account. Your new oauth key will be listed in the new information, and you can cut and paste this information into your options as needed.
I'm very interested in this.

Will this work alongside the External Accounts Extended Add On? Especially if I have twitch login enabled?

I know you don't like twitch login and I respect that. However I'd like to make the decision myself whether I want to have people sign up and log in through Twitch or not.
For the purpose of my forum it is very much essential to let people log in through twitch.

Can I run your Add On while having twitch log in or is there going to be problems especially in terms of associating the stream with an account?

Thank You.
So I have multiple partners on my forums using this feature. I would love to know if it would be possible to assign different subscribers to different user groups, instead of just one.
using this addon with 'External Accounts Extended'to enable twitch logins breaks both functionality at the moment. I think you should add logging in with twitch to yours and make it turned off as default, possibly with a notification. This is really important to me and I'm hoping you can add this.
Alright so I just watched the video and one thing I want to make sure of is if I don't need to have access to the twitch channel I want to check the subscribers of?
The accounts/twitch page does not exist anymore. XenForo now has a built-in single page to handle external-accounts. If the Twitch external account information is not showing up on that page, then another addon is interfering with it.
The accounts/twitch page does not exist anymore. XenForo now has a built-in single page to handle external-accounts. If the Twitch external account information is not showing up on that page, then another addon is interfering with it.
Would you possibly be able to help me if you give you admin credentials?
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