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[8WayRun.Com] XenPorta (Portal & Lite Wiki)

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Happy early Birthday Day!

I had presents for you, but this guy walked off with them...


Okay... first edition is out...

Nothing is phrased...
There is no way to delete a cms page...

Everything else appears to be working. Remember, I am unemployed programmer and this modification is free! If you appreciate the work I do here, please feel free to donate. A donation of $30 (or more) earns you the right to remove the copyright for this mod from a single installation. Now I'm off to shower and shave before tonight's party.
Congrats Jaxel! For a first add on, this looks powerful, and especially since it was done in such a short amount of time. :)
Remember, I am unemployed programmer and this modification is free! If you appreciate the work I do here, please feel free to donate. A donation of $30 (or more) earns you the right to remove the copyright for this mod from a single installation.

I think the only "must have" XenForo is really missing right now is a Splash Portal. Pretty much every website out there has one, whether its just a feed or recent news announcements, or a full blown CMS. This mod intends to fill this obvious gap with a recent news announcements feed and a very lite content management system. Remember that this mod is a beta, and is very limited at the moment.

  • upload the entire contents of library.zip to "library" folder
  • install from file on server: "library/addon_EWRporta.xml"
  • set options for the portal in administration control panel
  • don't forget to set usergroup permissions for the cms

thanks installed and working well.Now for the media ;)
Jaxel, this show as /portal/ right
how about make portal into default, so when open xxxxx.com it shows portal, no need to /portal/
and forum will be /forum/
is it possible?
Awesome :)

Would it be possible in any way so that we could chose 2 forums instead of 1 as the news source?
Very good job :)
Would be great if it were possible to select among different categories to be published in the news...
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