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[8wayRun.Com] XenCarta (Lite Wiki)

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I have Mediawiki, is this the same thing? I am confused by your discription of this Add-on.

Is this a wiki? What is a "like-wiki"? Does this require a seperate database? Is this compatible with Mediawiki?
I have Mediawiki, is this the same thing?
No. xfrocks is making a mediawiki bridge.

I am confused by your discription of this Add-on.
>> Supporting good addons in one thread is impossible. I'd edit Jaxel's first post and add lots of information for you, but this is a thread not a wiki !

Is this a wiki?
>> Yes, but it doesn't have some things. Like posts dont have Authors yet. As well, I think wikis (busy ones anyway) would benefit from a permissions system that is different from forums.

What is a "like-wiki"?
>> It is a Lite (not entirely full featured) wiki. What it already has ... it great though.

Does this require a seperate database?
>> Not sure.

Is this compatible with Mediawiki?
>> No. vaultwiki.org is a "clone" of mediawiki for vB. They are making an XF version. If you like Mediawiki, you'll like vaultwiki.
XenCarta (wiki) does not require a separate database. This is not the same as Media Wiki. This is a wiki-like add-on. It uses bb code and HTML, not wiki language. You can go to the 8wayrun.com site and click on the Wiki tab to see an example of it in use.
And that is a real strength, as it is setup for WYSIWYG editing right from the start !
Honestly, thats not why I wrote this Wiki... For ME at least, the real strength of this mod is that its NOT a full fledged wiki. I've gone through 3 different Wikis at www.8wayrun.com and the resounding fact amongst all of them is that they were BLOATED. They had too many features and because of it all, they were very complicated for the end user. This mod is built directly upon XenForo, so it doesn't use anything beyond the basic interface.

I never intended to do this because of WYSIWYG features... thats just a SIDE-EFFECT (re: bonus) of the tight integration with XenForo that this mod uses. In fact, in the most recent version, I have added the option for administrators to disable WYSIWYG editing for the wiki... which I have since enabled on my website.

For me, the main power is the ease of use and the CACHING. When I was running VaultWiki, some of my heavily templated pages... such as: http://www.8wayrun.com/wiki/yoshimitsu-frame-data-sc4/ would literally take 45 seconds to load and would often time out. In this mod, it loads in under a 10th of a second.

If you need a full fledged wiki... Cracked Egg Studios' VaultWiki is definitely the way to go though.
Jaxel are you looking into adding a list of contributors to a wiki topic (page)?
That would be relatively easy to do... provided you dont use the SUPER SECRET /wiki/special/empty-history/ administrative function, as the list of contributors would come from the page history. Although, there is no "revert" function in this mod, and I don't plan on adding one, so even vandals would be listed as a contributor.
Why don't you include the align left into the template itself vs. wrapping another bbcode condition around the template?

I probably will now. I made the template generic thinking there would be other places within the wiki where the logo would be used at times. If I am going to specify the position I would probably be best off not using the template and just adding the code directly.
You can also make variations of your templates, if you have novices helping build wiki content, ie:


etc etc... That is how I set mine up, so novices have a list of predefined templates to achieve tasks, without having to know HTML to write the entire page, which would only put me back having to check every page.
Jaxel, could you also have a look at the Azucloud mod, as you have changed your controllers I believe, thus stopped that mod from working for all those who use your products!
Does anyone know if KK's addon uses "Real" bbcodes ?
I just looked through his code, and yes, he does run his mod through the XenForo bbcode formatter... so essentially they are real bbcode. The reason why I don't do this with [template] is because I don't want templates to be part of the XenForo base; they should be in the wiki and the wiki only. The [wiki] and [h#] bbcodes in my mod however, do get run through the XenForo bbcode formatter, which is why you can use them in any area you can use XenForo bbcode, in addition to the wiki.
While we are talking Wiki, I located two minor issues:

1. No matter where I go on the wiki my Wiki Index shows "Classes"

2. It would be helpful if the Wiki Navigation showed the normal indentations for sub-categories. If you look at the Wiki Navigation block in the above image, then compare to the Wiki Index below for comparison, I think you will notice how much clearer the below image is with respect to showing the relationships.

The reason why I don't [go through the XenForo bbcode formatter] with [template] is because I don't want templates to be part of the XenForo base; they should be in the wiki and the wiki only.
I guess the disadvantage of [template] not going through the xenforo bbcode formatter is the search results look messy.
What is the advantage of not having the template bbcode in the Xenforo base ?
Who would use the wiki template in the xenforo base anyway ?
While we are talking Wiki, I located two minor issues:

1. No matter where I go on the wiki my Wiki Index shows "Classes"
View attachment 13322

2. It would be helpful if the Wiki Navigation showed the normal indentations for sub-categories. If you look at the Wiki Navigation block in the above image, then compare to the Wiki Index below for comparison, I think you will notice how much clearer the below image is with respect to showing the relationships.

View attachment 13323
1 - this is the "category" navigation, this is not a bug

The wiki index tab is the central navigation point. Anything you want to put on this block will be there on EVERY page that has a sidebar. Sort of how if you look at the Wiki Index block on my site, no matter what page you are on, the block lists all of my "central" pages. Basically, these pages are your category pages and should be your top parent pages (pages that may not have any parents themselves, but are nodes for children).


In order to add or remove pages from this index, you need to edit the page and modify it's "Wiki Index Rating". This rating defines where it is placed on the wiki index block. The higher the number, the lower it will appear on the block... pages of the same number rating will be sorted in alphabetical order. So again, if you look at the block on my page, its all alphabetical, because all my pages have "1"; except for the Star Wars characters, who are rated at "3".

On your website, it looks like you would want to put the following pages on your index: "Battlegrounds, Campfires, Classes, Continents, Glyphs, Items, NPCs, Pets, PVP, Quests, Races, Stats, Tera, User Interface" (according to: http://www.terapvp.com/community/wiki/special/pages) Notice that I did not mention "Wiki Index", you shouldn't put this on your index, since the title bar of the block already links to it.

2 - this is the "family" navigation

Anything within a family's tree will appear on this block. Basically, you're using this correctly as it stands. You created a family parent called "Continents" and have been putting everything in as children. At the current moment, this family navigation is not indented based on a tree format. I have fixed this for the next version: http://www.8wayrun.com/wiki/sophitia/
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