8tracks.com media tags


Got some difficulty I hope you can help me with -

Regardless of whether it is checked as an allowed site under the media site options tab, posting a URL that points to something on 8tracks.com (example:
http://8tracks.com/jguer106-39/floating-on-cloud-nine ) is still automatically parsed in a forum post, but does not successfully embed.

Reference thread: http://www.halforums.com/xenforo/threads/broke-media-parsing.30988/

Just as an experiment, I tried enabling the site, which allowed the gallery itself to accept the URL as media, however it still didn't embed correctly, and had no effect on the media parsing in forum posts.

Any suggestions on how to address this? It's not the end of the world if it won't embed the media properly, but it'd be nice in that case if we could get it to simply process the URL as a link instead of a media embed.

These are the default media sites.

Anything else has to be added manually or via an add-on.

If you are using an add-on, you would need to post in the add-on thread for support with it.
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