XF 2.1 403 error when trying to unfurl a publicly accessible URL?

In this case, they're specifically blocking bots:


There isn't really anything that we would do. It's possibly they may allow certain user agents (Google) to bypass this, though we wouldn't really try to fake our requests as Google.
There isn't really anything that we would do. It's possibly they may allow certain user agents (Google) to bypass this, though we wouldn't really try to fake our requests as Google.
Mike, thanks for checking so fast and letting me know what you found. :)

I may need to poke around a bit to see if I can get past it; as an affiliate there'd be a lot of links posted so it'd be nice to have them unfurled. Thinking out loud, I wonder if the affiliate rep would have be able to give insight.... hhhhmmmm.
If this is a site that you tend to use regularly, you can attempt to contact them (as per the email address above) and see if they can whitelist your site.

The user agent used will be:
XenForo/2.x (YOUR BOARD URL)
If you can convince them to just whitelist any user agent that starts with XenForo/2.x then that'd be even better! It's unlikely they'll do that but maybe they'll help. It's more likely they'll try and whitelist you by IP address if they can (as Mike suggests, user agents can be spoofed).
This is happening to me as well, between my forum (actually, a subdomain) and the main domain.

Both are using cloudflare, I also tried to add a Firewall rule to allow all User Agents containing "Xenforo/2" in the name, but this doesn't seem to solve the issue unfortunately.

Anything else I could try to avoid error 403?

Thanks in advance.


Actually, it looks like it cannot unfurl links from the forum itself as well, I'm quite confused, everything was working fine before, maybe it's Redis? It's the only change I recently did.


Turned out to be an IPV6 address I blocked (didn't know Xenforo used an IPV6 connection for the UNFURL function).
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