301 redirect /forums/(root only) to /forum/


Active member
Found an interesting issue after conversion from vB4. I used to have vB installed in the /forums folder. I now have xF installed in the root of the domain. I have xenPorta installed, so my forum listing is now at /forum/.

Yesterday I discovered a few sites pointing to my old /forums/ folder (but not to a file, to the root of the folder) and realized that I got a "Forbidden" error when clicking on that link.

So, I added this to my htaccess to redirect to the forum listing:

Redirect 301 /forums/ /forum/

But, as I'm sure you can imagine, that did bad things to the xF pages located in the virtual /forums/ folder, so I had to comment it out.

What I need is a 301 that redirects the root of /forums only, I'm not finding any helpful notes on the web. Does anyone have a clue what code I can dump in htaccess to get this sorted?
Put this at the top of your htaccess.

RedirectMatch 301 ^/forums/$ /forum/

This will exactly match the /forums location. This URL will be redirected:


This one will not:

In trying to find a solution I remembered that I have a real /forums/ folder containing the vB redirect scripts. I was tempted to copy and rename forumdisplay.php to index.php, but I'm not sure that would do what I wanted...
Put this at the top of your htaccess.

RedirectMatch 301 ^/forums/$ /forum/

This will exactly match the /forums location. This URL will be redirected:


This one will not:

yes ty needed this! been looking for hrs
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