XF 2.1 2FA for Admin access


Well-known member
Hello I'd like to enable 2Fa on my forum and I've clicked the corresponding checkbox in the options but nothing happened. I'd like to be sure on what's going on to avoid being locked out. Where exactly can I set to use an external App like authenticator to gain access?
Thanks Mike. I just want to enable 2FA for admin access on /admin.php so that when I login as user no 2FA is required but when I access the admin I've to use 2FA with an App like authenticator.
That's not really how the feature works. 2FA controls all access to the account, front end or admin.

2FA mostly also applies to when you explicitly log into your account on a new device/browser. If you login on the same device and you set that as saved, you wouldn't generally be prompted for 2FA again. So normally once you're in, you don't have to re-enter your 2FA key. (Though we do re-prompt about once a month.)
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