Third party 1Password app, iOS 7


Well-known member
This is probably going to be a "service issue" bug, but I would try anyway.
1Password app for iOS is a widely used app/software for password(s) storage. Currently, it's impossible to type in the editor through the app (here, on It doesn't even load the buttons, and it's impossible to change to the BB code editor. I guess it uses Safari as its core engine, but I'm not sure. Redactor's demo works fine.

Just to have an idea how popular it is:
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If it's just within that app, then it may be something that they're doing - maybe specifically relating to iframes. If it just started in iOS 7, then it's possible that there has been a change to iOS that they need to be updated for.

Note that comparing to Redactor is not necessarily useful. TinyMCE/CKEditor may be more appropriate comparisons anyway.
If it's just within that app, then it may be something that they're doing - maybe specifically relating to iframes. If it just started in iOS 7, then it's possible that there has been a change to iOS that they need to be updated for.

Note that comparing to Redactor is not necessarily useful. TinyMCE/CKEditor may be more appropriate comparisons anyway.
I got a respond from 1password:

Thanks for writing back with your further description.

I have just confirmed your experience. I can login and update my profile, but cannot post or reply to a forum message.

I suspect this is an issue regarding UIWebView, the web presentation technology that 1Browser uses. UIWebView, and thus 1Browser, have certain limitations that Safari iOS doesn't have. While the underlying drawing engine is the same between Safari and UIWebView, the way it handles JavaScript is quite different.

Suffice it to say, this is not something that we can fix with 1Password. It is something that Apple will have to fix with UIWebView.

The best option now is to use Safari iOS, as it appears you have been. I'm sorry I could not be more helpful. :(
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