Not a bug 1.5.6 - New nodes have already preset user group permissions


New member
I'm in the node tree settings and create a new 'child node' subordinate to an existing forum/node which has absolutely zero user group permissions. When said child node is created, it has always random user group permissions for the Administrator and Moderator group.

After creating multiple sub forums, I noticed that in the Administrator group has always two settings switched from "inherit" to "yes". One setting is from the top, running down - the other one is bottom and running up one step with every new iteration of a new child node.
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This might suggest that data has been manipulated directly in the database.

When we delete nodes, their permissions are cleaned up. When we create nodes, therefore, there shouldn't be any pre-set permissions.

If you require further help with this, please add your forum username to the "Forum Users" page of the Customer Area and post in the Troubleshooting forum.
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