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FTP'd all files. Go to run install and get this:
Failed to get controller response and reroute to error handler (XenForo_Install_Controller_Upgrade::actionrun)
An exception occurred: Constant DISABLEIPDENY already defined in /home/admin/public_html/library/config.php on line 28
[*]define() in config.php at line 28
[*]require() in XenForo/Application.php at line 573
[*]XenForo_Application->loadConfig() in XenForo/Application.php at line 254
[*]XenForo_Application->loadDefaultData() in XenForo/Install/Controller/Abstract.php at line 10
[*]XenForo_Install_Controller_Abstract->_preDispatchFirst() in XenForo/Controller.php at line 302
[*]XenForo_Controller->preDispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 346
[*]XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
[*]XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/admin/public_html/install/index.php at line 18