thread title

  1. O

    Not a bug Post Report Error Due To Thread Title Character Limit

    We've enabled 'Send reports into forum' so a thread is created when someone uses the report system. But users are receiving character limit error when reporting post with long thread titles. It exceeds the maximum characters for thread titles. So they can't report posts with long thread title...
  2. S

    XF 2.1 Change Thread Title Color Base on Prefix

    I have tried finding some information this but am at a loss. I would like to be able to have the Thread title color change depending on which prefix is applied to it. ie if the prefix X is applied the title will be blue if its XX it'll be green etc. Any would-be appreciated. Thank you
  3. BassMan

    [cXF] Customize row below thread title 1.2.1

    Description: Add icons and move replies and views to the row below the thread title. That way you get more space for long thread titles. More in screenshots below. Features: option to move the last poster column below the thread title or remove it completely option to remove the last poster...
  4. truonglv

    [tl] Thread title limitation 1.0.1

    Make thread title more useful with there limitations Minimum title characters Maximum title characters Title must not contains some words
  5. Wildcat Media

    Implemented Spam phrases could also inspect thread title for matches

    The ability to scan new messages for spam phrases has been helpful. Spammers nearly always post links in the message body, so using "http" as a filter helps to trap them before the message appears in public. (We send ours to the moderation queue.) Spammers apparently are also now trying to...
  6. ryanpe

    XF 1.5 Custom BB Code in Thread Titles

    I found an existing thread with something similar and managed to follow the solution there: However, this only allows for the default BB codes to be used: [B], [I], [U], [S], [SUP], and [SUB]...
  7. Alpha1

    Lack of interest Prevent useless, unwanted or illegal thread titles and post content

    Since migrating to xenforo we get a lot more mobile users. One of the downsides of this is that they often post threads without a meaningful thread title. People are just to used to posting on social media where there are no thread titles. The result is that forums and the 'new posts' function...
  8. darkbloom

    XF 1.5 how to edit text/background colour of status update and thread title boxes

    I seem to have messed two things up in my customisation attempts, and I can't figure out how to fix them: 1. When drafting a status update, the text is white on white. How can I change the colour of the text in the status box? 2. When drafting a threat title, the title box turns black. How...
  9. A

    Not planned Allow BB code formatting in thread titles

    Thread titles is literature and as such they are subject to grammatical and typographical rules that often extend beyond plain text formatting. The proper way to write H2O in a thread title is the same as in the body of a message: the numeral has to be a subscript. Then there are cases when...
  10. N

    XF 1.5 Thread title in each post

    In vB there used to an option to display the thread titles in every post like: Re: Thread Title... Lorem ipsum dolor. Sit amet pellentesque. Urna ornare tempor. Taciti magna justo. Ante lacinia nec maecenas eget at neque at et. Ac aliquet dapibus nam nulla eleifend. Donec sagittis ultricies...
  11. N

    XF 1.5 Using CSS, how to trim Thread Title after a certain length with "..."

    Say after like 35 characters, the title display is replaced by ... at the end of the title. How? I guess, this css needs some modifications... .discussionListItem .title { font-size: 10.5pt; word-wrap: break-word; } i tried putting this in above CSS but it did not work...
  12. H

    Unmaintained Mass Replacement of Thread Title

    This tips requires SQL query execution. So for safety reason, you are advised to backup your database before doing this. To remove some words from thread titles, and the threads are within certain nodes, you can run this SQL query from phpmyadmin : Example : Replace "viagra" into "medicine"...
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