
  1. Chernabog

    Add-on Does anyone use ACE by Audentio / ThemeHouse -- Could really use a little help, cause I'm stuck! 🙏

    Hey all! I was going to put this into the regular forums, because I think I'd have a better chance of a response there -- but I think that's frowned upon... so hopefully someone may find me here in the out fields. Gonna tag @ThemeHouse @Lukas W. and @Dad. -- sorry -- I just know that you're...
  2. S

    XF 2.3 Themehouse theme issue

    Hi, I'm using the Prisma Themehouse theme. When switching between color styles (style variations), the style changes but on the next page load the change is gone. Any ideas where to look at? Thanks A.
  3. szymme

    [Paid] Xenforo Designer (Integration into Wordpress design)

    Hello dear Xenforo, im looking for a Xenforo developer / Designer. I pay good and like quality work. I have a new website with a wordpress design, I want to integrate my xenforo forum into the webseite. Im looking for a developer/ desginer, who can integrate me xenforo seamless as it would for...
  4. E

    Not a bug [TH] Covers add-on error

    I recently have been getting this error after I downloaded the ThemeHouse add-on Covers. I am at a loss as to what this means. Could you be kind enough to assist me in fixing this error please? Thank you!
  5. E

    XF 2.2 Installing ThemeHouse Theme

    Hello. Just bought XF 2, so I am a new user here. I managed to research how to get XF2 up and running, and I also managed to import the theme's parent and child .XML file into XF, but it looks all wrong compared to the demo screenshot on their page. I do not know where to import the rest of the...
  6. Plebking6969

    Not a bug XenForo 2.2.0 cant import styles

    Hey I dont know how to import styles I tried it for hours I added the files in their folders and tried to load the xml file, also I installed the UI.X addon but my site looks like this : , would anyone mind helping me? Here my Discord if anyone can help me: Sergay#4415
  7. ThemeHouse

    Making a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic? Share how. Plus some ideas from us.

    We wanted to share some ways online communities can make a difference during the COVID-19 pandemic so we made a post here. Let us know what your community is doing by posting below and we may feature your community in another blog post!
  8. ThemeHouse


    Gift Does your community really get into the holiday spirit? Help it go even further with Gift! This theme is centered around giving, and includes a unique gift suggestion feature that’s not just limited to gifts! Share a random link to a holiday article, or share the top 5 items needed by your...
  9. ThemeHouse


    Legend If you manage a competitive gaming community, you owe it to yourself and your community to install this collection of gaming themes for XenForo 2. From Apex to Starcraft, your community can talk about their favorite games in a style designed just for them. Legend comes with a variety of...
  10. ThemeHouse


    Thankful What are you thankful for? Thankful is a beautiful theme designed to help you and your community count down to Thanksgiving. The countdown can easily be updated by an administrator, ensuring that this theme stays relevant year after year! To show thanks to our customers; get 50% off...
  11. ThemeHouse


    Boo! Bring a festive holiday to your forum with this spooky halloween theme! Based on the popular iO Dark theme, Boo! Showcases a vibrant, clean look on your forum. Boo! Features [TH] Nodes Included, More Coming Soon! When purchasing Boo!, you get a free [TH] Nodes license. It is...
  12. ThemeHouse

    BLOK Dark

    BLOK Dark BLOK is a clean geometric theme that is designed to be easy to use, easy to customize, and fast. Don’t like the geometric art? It can be disabled! Want a different background pattern? Easily switch between four existing presets. Would you rather use the default icon set, or one from...
  13. ThemeHouse


    BLOK BLOK is a clean geometric theme that is designed to be easy to use, easy to customize, and fast. Don’t like the geometric art? It can be disabled! Want a different background pattern? Easily switch between four existing presets. Would you rather use the default icon set, or one from another...
  14. ThemeHouse


    Prisma Brighten up your site with this clean, minimal design. Prisma Features [TH] Nodes Included, More Coming Soon! When purchasing Prisma, you get a free [TH] Nodes license. It is automatically created after you checkout. You can learn more about [TH] Nodes here. Free Branding...
  15. ThemeHouse


    Westlake Westlake has an architectural design that brings a professional appearance to your site. Westlake Features [TH] Nodes Included, More Coming Soon! When purchasing Westlake, you get a free [TH] Nodes license. It is automatically created after you checkout. You can learn...
  16. ThemeHouse


    #Rekt #Rekt for XF2 brings the same look and feel as it’s XenForo 1 predecessor designed for gamers. Supported Game Themes Click the image to view demo. #Rekt Features [TH] Nodes Included, More Coming Soon! When purchasing #Rekt for XF2, you get a free [TH] Nodes license...
  17. Topics - A Single, Real-Time Content Exploring and Filtering Experience for XenForo 2

    Topics - A Single, Real-Time Content Exploring and Filtering Experience for XenForo 2

    Currently, forums are limited in how they can manage content. Nodes force users to follow a specific path, tags are limited in their ability and generated by...
  18. SyTry

    Unmaintained [TH] Giphy - French Translation by SyTry 1.0.2

    TODO IMAGE Today I share with you the translation of [TH] Giphy made by @SyTry ! Installation tutorial : Log into your AdminCP : Appearance. Import a language : select the translation. Overwrite : Français (FR). Click Import. Version : 1.0.2 In case of problem, or bad translation ask me or...
  19. New color styling options with [TH] Nodes

    New color styling options with [TH] Nodes

    Learn how to change the color in several places including category strip backgrounds, unread icons, and node titles with [TH] Nodes.
  20. SyTry

    Unmaintained [TH] Last Post Avatar - French Translation by SyTry 1.0.1 Patch Level 1

    FRENCH TRANSLATION (@todo img) Today I share with you the translation of [TH] Last Post Avatar made by @SyTry ! Installation tutorial : Log into your AdminCP : Appearance. Import a language : select the translation. Overwrite : Français (FR). Click Import. Version : 1.0.1 Patch Level 1 In...
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