spam cleaner

  1. T

    XF 2.2 Users can still submit new threads if already in the moderation queue, allowing to bypass spam-detection/cleaner limits

    Hi, We configured "Maximum messages to check for spam" to 15, as with that amount of valid messages (i.e., not hanging in the approval queue) its highly unlikely that a user starts spamming, so the "Spam cleaner user criteria" setting was also set to 15 for similar reasons and because we...
  2. karll

    XF 2.1 Accidental spam cleaning and StopForumSpam

    Let's say, hypothetically, that a moderator runs the spam cleaner on someone who isn't a spammer. Let's further assume we've opted to submit spammer info to StopForumSpam. Then the admin comes around later and restores their post, using the option for that in the spam cleaner log. My question...
  3. H

    XF 2.1 Wrong message count & reaction received count

    Sometimes after i use spam cleaner, message count & reaction received count are still wrong. How to fix this? Should i do "rebuild user cache" & "Rebuild reactions counted status" ? If yes, is there any trick to jump to certain user, instead of doing rebuild from user #1 ? :)
  4. Sim

    Fixed Moderators can access user email addresses via spam cleaner (GDPR legal issue)

    I know this is as original designed - moderators have always been able to access user email addresses via the spam cleaner, but in a post-GDPR world, I'm not sure this is the best policy anymore. While this is kind of a suggestion, I do feel that this is serious enough to warrant a "bug report"...
  5. P

    Before buying XenoForo

    Can I import users from a CSV file? (have members from homemade forum) Can I install Swedish as language? Will I be flooded with spam on forum and have to moderate daily? Does the anti spam work? Does Xenoforo have an ad-module?
  6. insomniac

    XF 1.5 Spam Management tool not deleting a Specific Spammers Threads(over 10k spam threads)

    Hi Guys As stated above the Spam Management tool is not deleting a Specific Spammers Threads. I have about 7 members who are spammers with over 10k threads which are all spam . I Contacted my hosting so hat they could check if my server limits are set high enough. They responded by asking me...
  7. Alpha1

    Lack of interest Add spam cleaner domains to spam phrases

    One problem with spammers is spammers posting spam for the same domains for the same domains. If a users content is removed through the spam cleaner then the domains in that content should be added to spam phrases. This will prevent the domain from ever being successfully posted again and any...
  8. ForestForTrees

    XF 1.5 Use spam cleaner without permission to see email address?

    Is it possible to give someone access to use the spam cleaner but not give them access to see members' email addresses? Many people have their full name in their email address. Our forum talks about very confidential issues. I'd feel more comfortable giving people access to use the spam cleaner...
  9. ForestForTrees

    XF 1.5 Use spam cleaner without seeing IP address?

    Is it possible to give someone access to use the spam cleaner but not give them access to see IP numbers? Our forum talks about very confidential issues. I'd feel more comfortable giving people access to use the spam cleaner without giving them access to see the IP addresses of all newer members.
  10. danjb

    Lack of interest Spam Cleaner - Deletion reason

    So I noticed earlier that the Spam Cleaner doesn't provide a reason for the deletion of posts. That quite simply is my suggestion, integrate the possibility of a default deletion reason. I.e "Spam". It's quite frustrating for other staff to go to a thread then wonder why a users posts got deleted.
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