profile post comments

  1. J

    Fixed Show profile post comment page is missing styles

    In the profile_post_macros template, the comment macro is missing <xf:css src="message.less" />. This is necessary for the profile post comment to display correctly on the /profile-posts/comments/1/show page.
  2. grahamperrin

    Confirmed Seeking a profile post comment should result in visibility of the comment after following the link to the comment

    For example, in response to <[users]=Beastie7&o=date>: – with reference to <>, where the comment is invisible: – for the comment to become visible, it's necessary...
  3. kylerc

    Fixed REST API - allow sorting of profile posts comments

    It looks like the rest API returns comments on a profile post in newest-first ordering without a parameter to change the ordering according to the documentation at Would it be possible to allow specifying a...
  4. nanocode

    Unmaintained [n] Profile Post Limits 1.0.0

    This add-on allows you to control the limitations on profile posts that are hardcoded into the core. This is FOSS software by nanocode, licensed under the Apache 2.0 license. Fork me on GitHub! Features: Change the profile post character limit, 140 by default (twitter style) Change the...
  5. Robru

    XF 1.5 [Fixed] Comment in profilepost error occurred

  6. W

    Fixed Soft deleted profile post comments automatically expanding which hide moderation information

    With the introduction of Xenforo 1.5.0., comments on profile posts can now be soft deleted; when deleted, they behave like deleted posts and their content is hidden behind a "This message has been removed by X" message along with a "Show" link. However, if these soft deleted comments are...
  7. W

    Lack of interest Add ability to select multiple profile post comments for moderation

    Just like the ability to select multiple posts in an thread for moderation, I believe the ability to select multiple comments on a profile post for moderation (which I believe is limited to deletion at this point) would be useful.
  8. W

    XF 1.5 Who deleted a comment on a profile post?

    With the introduction of soft deletes for comments on profile posts, I'm trying to determine who deleted a comment but I'm coming up empty. Is it something I'm just missing or is that data not available?
  9. Daniel Hood

    Lack of interest Watch Profile Post

    I'd like the ability to receive alerts for new comments on a profile post without first commenting on it. I might be interested in where a conversation is headed without having a comment to make yet.
  10. Jon W

    Fixed Unable to undelete profile post comments if all comments are deleted

    If all profile post comments of a profile post are soft deleted, it is not possible to see/undelete them without having to make a new comment.
  11. Amaury

    Fixed Search Results - Profile Post Comments

    I've reported sort of the same thing here before; it was marked Won't Fix. This time it's a single phrase, though, and it's just a matter of sentence case or title case consistency. For profile posts, it's Profile post by X for X, but for profile post comments, it's Profile Post Comment by X...
  12. Amaury

    Fixed Able to Send Author Alerts When Deleting Profile Posts or Profile Post Comments

    Now that this has been introduced in XenForo 1.5, are we supposed to be able to send author alerts here on XenForo Community? Was that intentionally set like that or should only moderators be able to do it?
  13. S

    [SolidMean] Profile Post Chars [Deleted]

    SneakyDave submitted a new resource: [SolidMean] Profile Post Chars - Tired of that 140 character limit? Read more about this resource...
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