
  1. Demon_skeith

    Gaming Latest

    Site Name: Gaming Latest URL: Years Active: Almost 14 years! Why join?: Gaming, tech, anime and anything newsworthy can be found on Gaming Latest. Every second spent on GL is worth it to make new friends and turning our forum currency into actually gaming money for...

    Unmaintained OpenXBL 1.5

    About OpenXBL OpenXBL is a free to use Xbox Live API and includes friendly documentation, tutorial videos, and sample projects to get you started. What started as an example project to show the power of OpenXBL turned into a mature XenForo Add-on. With premium-like features and clean GitHub...
  3. silence

    Unmaintained External Accounts Extended 2018-03-02

    Want more than Facebook, Twitter, and Google external login abilities? Well now it's here! This addon let's users connect through more services. Currently, it supports the following: - SoundCloud - Tumblr - VK - Odnoklassniki - GitHub - LinkedIn - Twitch - (SSL Required) - Microsoft...
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