font awesome 5

  1. DeltaHF

    Unmaintained Reduce FontAwesome icon font file size

    NOTICE This add-on will no longer be maintained as a better solution for reducing your FontAwesome file sizes has been published by @Kirby here. I would strongly suggest using his add-on instead. The default XenForo 2.1 theme...
  2. nelson vergel

    XF 2.1 After Xenforo v2.1.7 upgrade editor fonts not working

    Hello, I have updated Xenforo to v2.1.7 after update editor fonts awesome are not working. Screen shot attached
  3. LenKaiser

    XF 2.1 Font Awesome 5.2 Not Working

    Hello I'm trying to add Font Awesome icons to my menus. I'm finding that the icons for version 5.2 are just showing a little box. Am I possibly putting the wrong css code? Here is my css: .p-navEl [data-nav-id="myid"]:before{font-family:FontAwesome;content:"\f518";padding-right:5px}...
  4. digitalpoint

    Fixed Missing CSS for FontAwesome light

    When trying to use a FontAwsome light icon, I noticed the columns were misaligned (see first row in image below). A little digging, and it appears the .fal class is setup properly in core_fa.less, but core_contentrow.less is missing references to it, so things like defining width (and some...
  5. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons in Visitor menu

    Would you like to have icons in Visitor menu like this? Add this to your extra.less template: If you want an icon with one of the Font Awesome 5 Pro styles - light, solid or duotone - use the above code like this (example): .m-faContent(@fa-var-duotone-sign-in);. As you can see, you add...
  6. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons in sidenav on Account page

    Would you like to have icons in sidenav on Account page like this? Add this to your extra.less template: To change the icon edit value after @fa-var-. Want a Pro icon of a specific style? Want a Brand icon? If you are using route filters edit in the code what you've changed with...
  7. BassMan

    [cXF] Icons on Notable Members page

    Would you like to have icons on Notable members page like this? Add this to your extra.less template: To change the icon edit value after @fa-var-. If you are using route filters edit in the code what you've changed with filters (for example: if you're using route filter for members to...
  8. Frode789

    XF 2.1 FA 5 icons next to user names [add to group css]

    What code snippet do I need to apply to get a FA icon next to the user names? Anyone know? Applying it to the group css area. I used previously a small code snippet for FA 4, that I found in the resources area here, but it is no longer working after the XF 2.1/FA 5 upgrade. (I tried simply...
  9. Matt C.

    Unmaintained [AH] Font Awesome 1.0.1

    This only works with XenForo 2.1.x! What does this add-on do? This add-on lets you add Font Awesome 5 icons to various areas. All the icons are added via CSS to ensure it works with third party styles. There is one template modification to insert the css template into the PAGE_CONTAINER...
  10. Matt C.

    [AH] Font Awesome

    Matt C. submitted a new resource: [AH] Font Awesome - Add Font Awesome 5 icons to various areas. Read more about this resource...
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