
  1. questlot

    XF 2.2 Forum Auto Translation Based on user location

    My forum language is in English and basically only users that speak English understand the content. Most often I get alot of instrested Spanish speaking members registering and posting in the forum (not spam). Am getting lot of traffic from Spanish countries also, please is there anyway the...
  2. otto

    Unmaintained [xH] Simple Blogs Add-on 1.0.44b

    Download and use this addon only, if you understand and accept these points: This is a fork from Rigels "Good Enough Blogs" addon (former called Better Blogs). Rigel has give it for free to what ever... I code on the changes on Regels addon in my free time, after family time and work and you...
  3. otto

    Show "My Threads" - on per forum base and in every forum 1.0.0

    Show My Threads is a simple but usefull addon to place a litle link above the thread list in every forum for members only. With this link your members can fast and easy view there own threads in this forum on every forum. Zeige meine Themen - fügt einen simplen Link oberhalb der Themen Liste...
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