
  1. F

    Addon and Style Developer

    Hi everyone, I have over 10 years of experience working with clients on a variety of PHP projects, from last one year I am associate with a xenforo's client and doing work for him on different xenforo projects, i think now i have enough knowledge of xenforo so now my services will be available...
  2. A

    Who is your go-to XenForo developer?

    A developer I've been working with over the years has become less available, so in hopes of finding a new trusted freelancer I can build a good working relationship with, I've spent the past couple of days reading as many threads about XF developers as I could find. I've seen some rave reviews...
  3. G

    Developer to customiz the add-on

    If you have experience with xenforo 2 addon development and you are able to start right now, please send me a pm to explain what I need. Thanks
  4. Sim

    Beta Banner Advert Generator 1.0.0

    This is a tool for developers who are styling their advert placements. While working on styling programmatic banner adverts for my site, I got frustrated with external adverts (eg Adsense / DFP / etc) that wouldn't display consistently on my dev machine - so I built a tool which generates...
  5. electrogypsy

    XF 2.1 cannot create template modifications

    I've enabled debug mode in the config.php file, and i can see the debug info at the bottom of the page both in the admincp and on my website. When I go to 'template modifications' in the admin cp, there is no button to create a new template modification. I only have the addons UIX, s9e, and...
  6. TickTackk

    Developer Tools 1.5.0

    Developer Tools for XenForo 2.1.7+ Description This add-on provides enhancements for add-on developers. Features Show display order... Option group Options Permission groups Permission Test template modification against specific style Show breadcrumb for style property group Show template...
  7. Marcus

    Cannot reproduce xf2: rebuild addon does not delete existing widget definitions which are not included in actual build release

    1. create definition for widget for addon 2. build release and install addon in production 3. remove widget definition in addon 4. build release and rebuild addon in production (same build number) => 5. widget definition is still on the production install. I have to go to developer modus on the...
  8. tmoflash

    Need Designer

    I was asking if there is a place on the forums hear to request a designer for my site. I am not on here all the time and I did look around very briefly and didn't see a place to post this request. Thanks, tmo
  9. Hoffi

    Lack of interest Missing Phrases

    It would be very helpful to have the function, to display missing phrases. If the Portal tries to find a phrase and there is no avaiable, this phrase can be added into a seperate table, and in the AdminCP you can get a list of missing phrases. Perfect would be, if the system can suggest the...
  10. ryladine

    XF 1.5 Remote User Modifications - API or Database?

    I was wondering where everyone else stood on the matter, I'm about to build a "panic" system for my community that will allow immediate removal of a user from all systems, and I'm planning how I want to integrate Xenforo. I could do it by directly modifying the database, but I've also seen a...
  11. T

    ✔ I want to buy Xenforo - ✘ But I have some questions.

    Hello everybody, I am new to Xenforo and globally to using websites. I got really confused when I wanted to purchase Xenforo so that's why I made this theard. My questions: 1. What is 'XenForo License', I don't understand what is it? Do I need to purchase another hosting for my site either? Or...
  12. jemacd

    Developer help required

    I'm looking to buy forum software that can sync the posts and comments of my facebook group. I know that VBSocial do a plugin for VBulletin ( but from reading countless reviews, it would seem that XF are the preferred platform. I've asked...
  13. Thomas Lamprecht

    Automatically revoking user promotions for inactive users

    Hi, I'm currently developing an Add-on for XenForo which provides an user criteria depended from an external service so that users can be promoted to a special group when this criteria is met. It works perfectly besides on caveat: runPromotions() looks only at the users which were active in...
  14. crissie

    Freelancer needed for a creative company

    Hey friends! My company is looking for an awesome freelance IT guy. Ideal candidate would be able to help us with the following: Basic web development and troubleshooting BigCommerce e-commerce software (or willingness to become familiar with their platform) XenForo forum software LeadPages...
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