[XFA] Users Ratings/Reputations System

[XFA] Users Ratings/Reputations System 2.3.0

No permission to buy (€15.00)
Corrected bugs:
  • Error when trying to rate for user with unlimited points permission

  • Updated table names to XF standard
  • Add-on ported to XF2.3

This version is only compatible with XF2.3.
New features:
  • User criteria (for trophies):
    • Total score
    • Number of positive ratings
    • Number of neutral ratings
    • Number of negative ratings
This version is only compatible with XenForo 2.2

Administrative changes:
  • Addon renamed
  • Price decreased

Corrected bugs:
  • Provided compatibility with xF2.2
  • Error: Cannot pass parameter 1 by reference in src/addons/XFA/ReputationSystem/XF/Pub/Controller/Member.php at line 279
  • Update rating showing while no rating was done on the user
  • Existing rating text and points appearing when rating a user

New features:
  • Capability to post rating anonymously (permission based)
  • Limit ratings visibility to own (received or given)
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