[XFA] Extended Moderation and Banning

[XFA] Extended Moderation and Banning 3.4.3

No permission to buy (€6.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.4
  2. 1.5
Updates duration
1 year - 7€ renew
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Push your moderator abilities to the next level !

Thanks for this new add-on, your moderators get access to a new set of actions, hence off-loading your admin tasks and giving higher reactivity !

User Blocking Feature

With 3 increasing levels of action:

  • Thread reply bans (default xF functionality with new enhancement)
  • Forum bans
  • Global bans
Thanks to the extensive xF permissions system, you can fine tune what your moderators can do and on which forums:

  • Extended Moderation Global:
    Through this page, users belonging to usergroups with the permissions (eg.: admins or supermoderators, ...), can ban bad behaving users, either for a limited amount of time or permanently, from performing different kind of actions on your forum:
    • General
      • Block user from editing avatar
      • Block user from editing signature
      • Block user from following others
    • Forum wide
      • Block user from creating threads
      • Block user from replying to threads
      • Block user from editing own posts
      • Block user from deleting own threads/posts
      • Block user from liking posts
    • Conversation
      • Block user from creating conversations
      • Block user from replying to conversations
    • Profile
      • Block user from creating profile posts
      • Block user from commenting in profiles
      • Block user from editing own profiles posts/comments
      • Block user from deleting own profile posts/comments
      • Block user from liking in profiles
    • xF Resource Manager
      • Block user from posting resources
      • Block user from editing own resources
      • Block user from deleting own resources
      • Block user from reviewing/rating resources
      • Block user from liking resources
    • xF Media Gallery
      • Block user from creating album/posting medias
      • Block user from commenting albums/medias
      • Block user from editing own medias/media comments
      • Block user from deleting own medias/media comments
      • Block user from ratings medias
      • Block user from liking medias
When performing a ban, a reason can be provided, in that case an alert is sent to the user to inform him of the reasons why actions were taken against him (optional).
Through the same page, ban can be edited or removed.

  • Manage Forum Bans:
    Works the same way than Thread Reply Bans (enhanced), but at forum level, with an additional option to ban from creating threads: (screen)
    • Block user from accessing this forum [NEW 3.4.0]
    • Block user from creating threads in this forum
    • Block user from replying to threads in this forum
    • Block user from editing own threads/posts in this forum
    • Block user from deleting own threads/posts in this forum
    • Block user from liking posts in this forum
    • Ban Length: Permanent/Temporarly
    • Reason: An alert is sent to the user to inform him of the reasons the actions taken against him (this is optional)

  • Manage Reply Bans:
    Enhance xF default functionality by allowing your moderators to select additional options when banning a user from replying to a thread : (screen)
    • Block user from editing own posts in the thread
    • Block user from deleting own posts in the thread
    • Block user from liking posts in the thread
File and link moderation Feature

Not available by default, this new set of feature allows you to moderate links and attachments in posts on your forum. Configurable on a node basis, you can select wether links, attachments, both or none shall be moderated.

Attachments and posts containing links pending moderation are fully integrated to the native xF moderation queue system.

Alerts are sent to the user to warn them about actions performed by moderators (file approved, file deleted, link accepted, link accepted with edit).

Links blacklisting feature

With this new feature, you can set domains for which you want to blacklist links. When a blacklisted link is detected inside a post, it's either displayed as plain text or replaced by a specific text, depending on your configuration.

Install/Uninstall instructions

The readme is available HERE.
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First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Maintenance release

    Corrected bugs: Important number of SQL queries added to forum home when the add-on is active...
  2. Maintenance release

    Corrected bugs: ErrorException: Undefined index: user_id -...
  3. Maintenance release

    Corrected bugs: ErrorException: Undefined index: node_id...

Latest reviews

Just what the doctor ordered.
It was frustrating having (some) members abuse the restricted forums, by snooping and scooping information without participating. “Problem solved”. Now just moderate with a simple Ban, permanent or limited. (Add a message to Contact the Admen) This add-on covers a lot, easy to install, well designed and no conflicts with any other add-ons. Great Job Guys
Wow what can I say?
This is a seriously fantastic and well thought out add-on. In the click of a button, you have so many added moderator tools. With one so sought after option for me; temp banning from profiles and the gallery.

They have thought of everything in this, and get not only a moderators' bar, but on the overlay, member profiles..

If you take moderation seriously and making your mods' tasks easier, this is for you. And at 15 USD (give or take £10) you can't go wrong..

This is worth every penny & more. :)

Thank you Xen Factory and I look forward to buying more add-ons from you in the future.
Thanks for your review, don't hesitate to suggest any new moderation feature you would have in mind :)
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