XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • You can now delete feature images from within the edit menu.
  • You can now delete author images from within the edit menu.
  • BUG FIX: The slider will no longer break if YouTube fails to load a video.
  • BUG FIX: I did not realise XF's built in JS minifier enforces use strict.
    Variables have now been strictly defined in code as required when using minified JS.
  • The infinite scrolling system has been completely rewritten. I wrote it myself, instead of using a third-party vendor's library. Because of this, it should be more lightweight as it no longer requires loading in any jQuery libraries either.
  • The feature slider system has also been completely rewritten. It now uses XenForo's built-in fancyapps carousel. The old bxSlider library was getting old and bug-ridden anyways, so this should be a welcome change. This too does not require the jQuery library.
    • Many of the widget options for the feature slider have been reset/changes. Make sure you update them as needed.
  • Lots of style properties have been changed to conform to XF2.3's new style variation system.
  • BUG FIX: fixed the countdown widget breaking in the final hours.
  • BUG FIX: fixed a deprecation error related to GD Image and PHP 8+.
This is a significant update. Please inform me of any issues.
  • Minified JS libraries will now be loaded (when not in debug mode).
  • This release updates the addon to work with XenForo 2.3+.
There are significant changes to the JavaScript functions of this addon. Please inform me of any issues. Unfortunately, I was not able to use XF2.3's built in "slim" version of jQuery. As such, when using the infinite-scroller or feature-slider functions, a full build of jQuery will be loaded.
  • More major updates to the front portal. Make sure to check your style properties as a lot of settings have changed.
  • There are now easy options to hide the majority of article elements in case you wish to make an image based grid. Disabling expanded article elements will place some article attribution data into the image header. If you do want to use an image grid, you should make your Masonry baseline height and Article image header height equal. You should also increase the padding on the article header title.
  • Fixed a bug where youtube videos would expand outside of a grid element.
  • Fixed a bug where the grid would add horizontal scroll bars at smaller viewports.
  • Huge changes to the way the articles listing is represented. If things look weird to you, revert your templates and update your style settings.
    • Articles list has been redesigned in a CSS3 flex grid format. It no longer follows XenForo's built-in responsive design settings, as this is no longer needed. Instead, articles will have a baseline width set in style settings and will auto-expand and contract based on the fluidity of your skin.
    • The baseline height setting will no longer determine the height of an article's body text, but instead the height of the article brick itself.
    • The Masonry library by David DeSandro has been removed from this addon as it does not comply with flex grids. It has been replaced by a bespoke masonry library that works with flex grids. This library will not be loaded if you use a baseline height setting.
  • The feature slider widget will now hide features promoted into the future. This will allow you to schedule automatic updates to the slider.
  • You can now limit the feature slider by age. So that slides which are too old automatically phase out.
  • You can now use the entire YouTube URL for feature slider promotions. The addon will automatically strip out and capture the video ID.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • The feature slider has been redesigned a bit and will now gracefully extend beyond the image widths on fluid layouts.
  • The XenMedio specific style properties have been moved to XenMedio. If you lose access to the style property for it, install the most recent version of XenMedio, or rebuild XenMedio if you have it already installed.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
This update redesigns some of the styles of the default portal page. Check your style properties.
  • You can now define fixed width heights of your message bodies on the articles list.
    • If you use fixed widths, the addon will automatically disable the masonry library.​
    • If you use image headers, the message body height will be automatically adjusted.​
  • You can now choose to display a simpler "continue" button for the articles list.
  • Promoting a thread will now hide attachments which can not be used as header images.
  • Fixed the attachment galleries disappearing from threads, even if they weren't article threads.
  • Fixed the author byline block losing it's formatting.
  • COMPLETELY redid the way thread types are represented in this update. In the previous version, promoting a thread type other than "discussion" would result in a loss of that thread type's special formatting. For instance, if you promoted a question/answer thread, you would lose answer voting controls. This update makes it possible to promote any thread type, while still retaining those special controls.
A reminder that XF2.2 is still in beta and not recommended for production forums.
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