XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • Event title, description and location values will now follow XenForo censorship settings.
  • Fixed a bug which causes some events to be dated a day early. It was hard to figure out what was causing this, especially since it seems to be related to some obtuse server settings. But I think I have a full workaround with this release which should solve the issue.
  • Fixed a bug with JavaScript scoping that was preventing the "click to expand" link from working on the monthly calendar since the release of XF 2.0.4
  • Fixed a bug with JavaScript scoping that was confusing the instantiation of the RSVP menus.
  • Fixed a bug that let some users bypass moderation permissions.
  • The XF2 version of this addon added the ability to turn any existing thread into an event thread. This also means, that you could turn threads in non-event forums into event threads as well. There is now an option to disable the ability to turn existing threads in non-event forums into event threads. If an event thread in an event forum is moved into a non-event forum, it will still display as an event thread however.
  • The included importers now use XF2's built-in step-runner system. That means if you have an extremely large forum, you should no longer get memory time-outs when importing events and occurrences.
  • Fixed a bug where occurrences did not respect language settings.
  • Fixed a bug related to validation on creating event threads without titles/descriptions.
  • Fixed a bug where occurrences created in timezones behind the user's timezone would place the occurrences on the previous day.
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Reactions: thumped
  • Bug fix for people doing straight upgrades from the XF1 version.
  • Fixes a bug that prevents postSave() functions happening on threads.
  • Added an option to limit the maximum number of hours an event can last.
  • Added an option to completely disable the geo-location and mapping system.
  • Added support for thread permissions on events. Now, if an event is linked to a thread, and the user does not have permission to view that thread... they will no longer see the event.
  • Fixed a bug where events with no threads would get their titles updated to match new threads.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't edit the timezone of an event occurrence.
  • Fixed a bug where a single-day event that took place in the "next day cutoff" window would be lost in the aether.
  • Fixed the moderation bypass permission for the approval queue.
  • Fixed some permissions related to deleting events.
  • Major fixes to install/upgrade procedures for those who are upgrading from the XF1 version... I'm honestly amazed that no one has complained about issues till now. But I guess if things have been working out for everybody; its fine...
  • Added new permissions for "Edit own events" and "Delete own events".
  • You can now click the "X going" text to bring up a list of who RSVP'd "going" to an event.
  • Fixed a few permission errors for RSVPing.
  • Added the ability to hide the Calendar tab/pages based on usergroup permissions.
  • Added a client-side check for file sizes to make sure users can't upload event images that are bigger than the file size limit on your PHP.ini.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
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