XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenAtendo 2 (Calendar) PRO

No permission to buy ($40.00)
  • The category drop-down menu for event editing will now always be expanded.
  • Fixed a bug related to check boxes on the RSVP dropdowns.
  • Fixed a bug related to expanding date blocks on the monthly calendar view.
  • Fixed a bug related to event images and people who use CDNs.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • You can now export all future events from a calendar in ICS/CSV format. You can use this as a "subscribe" endpoint in your preferred calendar software.
  • Event images will now be called correctly if you are using a CDN. This function may not work properly if you are deleting the local images from your /data folder after syncing to the CDN. BOTH files must exist (since file checking is done locally), but the user will be served the CDN version.
  • Fixed the requirement notice for XF2.1.
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Reactions: Graham Smith
  • This addon has been updated with support for XF2.1. XF2.1 will be required for this and all future updates.
    • GuzzleHTTP cURL updated
    • Approval queue redesigned
    • Bookmark handlers
    • Share controls
    • Push notifications
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Reactions: WoodiE
  • The "X Going" link on event pages has been replaced with a drop-down menu, where you can now view the other types of RSVPs.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • If you only have one event forum, and you have "Require threads to be created with events" checked, the single event forum will now automatically be selected when creating events.
  • Fixed a bug where event threads were still getting created, even if the event itself failed validation.
  • Fixed a bug where event repetition by ordinal days (ie: first sunday of the month) were not properly getting processed.
  • Fixed a bug that can occur when viewing event threads through redirect threads.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • Added a limit option to the upcoming events widget.
  • Fixed a possible error that can appear when featuring/unfeaturing an event.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • Added RSVP functions to the base info-pane for linked occurrences. This should make it easier for people to see the RSVP menu.
  • Added a separate permission for featuring events on the calendar.
  • Fixed a bug where addresses with a pound sign (#) in them, would fail to process through the Google API properly.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause issues if an event had no occurrence dates.
  • Re-ordered some processes to prevent issues that would cause the previously mentioned bug.
  • Event images will now stretch to 100% width of it's container for fluid width skins.
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Reactions: CoZmicShReddeR
  • You can now select "thread prefixes" when creating event threads.
  • Some entity relation names were changed to reduce the chances of collisions with other addons.
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