Social media linters such as Twitter and FB will now use event images as card previews if available.
Linters will only be able to see these images, if unregistered users are able to view events.
Added widget positions for calendar sidebars.
BUG FIX: Fixed some typos in thread entities that were forcing multiple excess DB queries on event thread listings. Thank you @benFF for pointing out that I was referencing incorrect variable names in my entities.
BUG FIX: Fixed some formatting issues related to Holidays.
BUG FIX: Fixed a bug where thread prefixes did not auto-populate.
BUG FIX: Fixed some incorrect time zone listings in tooltips.
Google changed their unique holiday IDs from being only 40 characters long, to being 400 characters long. This update increases the data length of holidays to support these new IDs.
A "venue" is no longer required on events. If you customize your templates to remove the address fields, you can now remove the venue field if you so wish.
Fixed a bug related to RSVPs, in which a linked occurrence did not properly update.
Cleaned up a lot of the code for checking submission button permissions.