[Xen-Soluce] Custom Prefixes & Banners

[Xen-Soluce] Custom Prefixes & Banners 2.2.2 Fix 1

No permission to buy (€7.00)

Reviews 4.00 star(s) 4 reviews

I really wish I didn't have to leave this review and that I could comment on the add-on itself. Neither option is possible. When installed on our forum, this add-on hard-crashed the site. It broke not only the front-facing part, but the Admin Control Panel, forcing us to remove it via the server.

It seems that the add-on, aside from mentioning nowhere on its page that it required a specific version of PHP, did not include any check when installed to make sure it was compatible. If it were documented, I would take a mea culpa for just not paying attention—but the fact it wasn't, as well as that basic safeguards which I have never seen any add-on lack were not taken, is frankly unacceptable.

Do not buy this, do not buy from this creator. Do not trust someone who cannot include basic precautions to make fundamental alterations to your website.
Too bad that you didn't let us help you for this, we are always here for our customers. We did forget to add a check for the PHP version, coming next update. Anyway, if you have questions feel free to ask us..
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